Tulku | Connections



The amazing photography you see on this website was created with love by—
Nicole Ann Spahn
Lubosh Cech
Renata Kosina
Monique Kovacs Nathan
Paloma Suau 

Other People and Websites we are Crazy about

luboshcech.com The designer of this website and the creator of my Tulku movie.

davidji.com My favorite meditation teacher, Davidji, is the author of Guided Meditations: fill what is empty; empty what is full audio CD.

purelandart.com  My dear friend, Susan Saint Claire Bennett's magical paintings.

bluedeer.org   River of Ancient Wisdom.

oneheartworld-wide.org Saving women and children across the world.

vietnamemifund.org dedicated to improving the lives of children in Vietnam

https://www.paintedream.com—My healing website with Dreamtending, Oracle Reading, Plant Spirt Medicine healing and other offerings. 

asianart.com The on-line journal for the study and exhibition of the arts of Asia. Read about Karla's process of creating a lost wax statue in Nepal in the article "West meets East: Making a Murti in Kathmandu."

nakedriverfilms.com—Founded by Lubosh Cech, Naked River Films is an independent film studio promoting the expansion of human consciousness and beauty in the world.